Proponent: [461aM53V4ecdjzCLtkP49LHeYrAeBZUfDYKT72N3xuJqKZC4]
Date: 11/21/2022
Requested allocation: 2500 USDT,14,534 PHA (PHA with 7 avg days price on CMC, which is 0.172 USD)Short description: Alpha Airdrop to film 4 introductory educational videos of 1-2 mins in length releasing 1x per week over 1 month for a total of 4 videos.
**3. **Problem statement: ****
The Phala Team have been building some of the most advanced crypto tech we have seen to date that is incredibly mind blowing and in the same, difficult to process even for those who are familiar with the project. Currently the best way to learn about phalanetwork/world is to read via articles or the wiki, but written words can only get you so far when it comes to education.
**4. Proposal Objective/solution/s to point 2: **
Our solution is to start by creating an introductory video series that is easy to digest and engaging to watch about PhalaWorld and its NFTs.
We break down these 3 difficult concepts into 4 educational videos.
a. Phalaworld is “the future of blockchain interaction” (1 video)
b. Soulbound NFT system within Phalaworld (2 videos)
i. The 3 NFT types (Spirit, Shell, Seal)
ii. Soulbound NFTs and there use case (Spirit, Seal)
c. Customization of Shell NFT and its relationship to on-chain interaction.
We know the written word is a good and effective way to start educating newcomers to Phalaworld but when combined with visual storytelling and engaging video content it can go even further.
These videos do not serve to be a replacement of any current education but as an adjunct to what is already in place. We know videos help to close the educational gaps newcomers may have because visual context can add clarity, meaning and understanding.
These 3 concepts were chosen in coordination with the Phalaworld team to best fit their current educational needs.