The Phala core team took a very small (5%) amount of tokens compared to other blockchain projects to be able to distribute more to the community and the miners. By doing this, it was always our vision to use the Treasury to support those most active in making the network a success and compensating for a professional advisor team that helps to develop Phala in many respects. Doing this on-chain maximizes transparency and avoids opaque advisor deals. This proposal is the first attempt to implement such a plan using the Bounty system. Although the Council does have the power to spend Treasury funds, we decided to put this up for a community referendum to avoid any conflict of interest and to get the maximum discussion and buy-in from the Phala stakeholders. That means, we will not use the Council's power to execute this bounty directly but have the public decide on it.
Bounty Proposal: Bounty to compensate expert advisors of the Phala team
Proponent: 3zfavDwAsV83TGCDYko4gs3uYPQq4fuS8mcy5BtFqjzyPes8
Date: 11.11.2021
Requested allocation: 225000 PHA
Proposed Curator reward: 100 PHA
Short description:
This bounty is used to compensate the expert advisors for their work previous to the launch of Khala as well as for ongoing work until October 2021 and the future work from November to December. The expert advisors provided us with their professional opinion, industry experience and guidance for a successful inception of the network. Furthermore, the experts pledge to further help the Phala team in the future. They hold important knowledge in growth management, strategic and economic analysis, technical support and dev education, all important skills for a successful network.
We have three excellent expert council advisors, they are: Joe, Jonas, Zoe. They are all experts in their respective fields, and have made great contributions for the development of Phala, which will be compensated with the proposed bounty.
Expert advisors will help Phala in the long-term development of growth, technology and analysis&research, and establish reputations in the crypto world. They are Phala's "think tank".
For their outstanding contributions, we will give them incentives through this bounty. This task bounty will be a long-term incentive bounty, which will be split into different stages of sub-bounty. For example, in 2021 we will apply for one bounty from March to October, and another from November to December. Each bounty will be rewarded with different tokens according to the contributions made by expert advisors.
The incentives for expert members will only come from the bounty program of the treasury, and rewards will be given based on their contributions.
Different skill sets are required to help the Phala ecosystem. Those are:
Mission: Activate the European market and acquire more reputation in Europe for Phala
Person in charge: Zoe
Budget: 75k PHA
Time: Mar.- Oct. 2021
Detailed information with attachments and links:
Mission: Give tech support to team and help to build tech community
Person in charge: Joe
Budget: 75k PHA
Time: Mar.- Oct. 2021
Mission: Completion of related research on the Phala project
Person in charge: Jonas
Budget: 75k PHA
Time: Mar.- Oct. 2021
Bounty Proposal: Bounty to compensate expert advisors of the Phala team
Proponent: 3zfavDwAsV83TGCDYko4gs3uYPQq4fuS8mcy5BtFqjzyPes8
Date: 11.11.2021
Requested allocation: 75000 PHA
Proposed Curator reward: 100 PHA
Short description:
This bounty is used to compensate the expert advisors for their work previous to the launch of Khala as well as for ongoing work from Nov to Dec 2021. The expert advisors provided us with their professional opinion, industry experience and guidance for a successful inception of the network. Furthermore, the experts pledge to further help the Phala team in the future. They hold important knowledge in growth management, strategic and economic analysis, technical support and dev education, all important skills for a successful network.
Different skill sets are required to help the Phala ecosystem. Those are:
Mission: Activate the European market and acquire more reputation in Europe for Phala
Person in charge: Zoe
Budget: 25k PHA
TIME: NOV.- DEC.2021
Mission: Give tech support to team and help to build technical community
Person in charge: Joe
Budget: 25k PHA
TIME: NOV.- DEC.2021
Mission: Completion of related research on the Phala project
Person in charge: Jonas
Budget: 25k PHA
TIME: NOV.- DEC.2021
Phala Network is proposing a bounty system to compensate expert advisors for their work in the growth, technology, and analysis of the network. The expert advisors have provided professional opinions, industry experience, and guidance for a successful launch of the network. The bounty system will be split into different stages of sub-bounty, with each bounty rewarded based on the contributions made by expert advisors. The first bounty proposal is to compensate expert advisors for their work from March to October 2021. The second bounty proposal is to compensate expert advisors for their work from November to December 2021. The expert advisors hold important knowledge in growth management, strategic and economic analysis, technical support, and dev education, all important skills for a successful network.
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