Proposal #23

Proposal: Sunsetting Khala Chain and Consolidating Phala Network on Polkadot and Ethereum ecosystem

2mos ago
AI Summary
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This proposal has been turned into referendum.

Why migrate my assets to Ethereum and not to Phala?

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+1 Why Ethereum L2 and not Phala ?


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Please don't ditch the polkadot ecosystem for ethereum. This happening on testnet means it'll happen on mainnet next, when that happens, phala won't have any chain on polkadot/substrate, only ethereum.

What's stopping phala to support Intel’s TDX and Nvidia’s Confidential Compute GPUs on substrate?

my answer on forum thread


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  • proposal to be enacted in january, when the actual issue won't be a problem before april, if it ever actually becomes a problem
  • 1 week for the whole community to get aware, understand the issue, and vote
  • 1 vote, 24k...

beautiful democracy -_-, tastes like A(c|Kh)ala


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+1 for people asking "WHY??"

This makes no sense. Migrating to Ethereum where fees are sky high when you already have a chain on Polkadot where THE TOKEN IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS IN KHALA. Guys, you've had years to develop a bridge between Khala and Phala, I didn't expect this botched move.


doyle is ensuring his own proposal will pass by dropping 240k (with a 0.1 conviction) on Aye... (Edit: I see those 240k have been removed, thanks for your decency and respect for democracy)

I suggest people vote with only 1 PHA (1 voice = 1 vote).

Not much can be done against plutocracy, but at least that way, the results of actual democracy will be recorded on-chain.



A critical detail was missing from the original proposal regarding Phala World (PW) NFTs. Now it has been added. The contents shows as below:

Given the downturn in the metaverse ecosystem and the rapid advancements in AI technology, we are focusing more of our efforts on building AI-related capabilities. As a result, we currently have no plans to further explore metaverse-related assets. During the asset migration process, we will reclaim PW NFTs and pause any future issuance.

We will gather information on all PW NFT holders and refund them based on the original minting cost of the NFTs. For instance, if User A minted a PW NFT for 500 PHA and has continuously held it, they will receive an additional refund of 500 PHA when claiming their Khala assets. If User B purchased the NFT from a marketplace or received it via a transfer, the refund will still be based on the original minting cost of the NFT.

To ensure fairness, we will take a snapshot of PW NFT holdings and transactions as of December 10th. Therefore, we kindly ask that no further transactions or transfers of PW NFTs take place after this date.

We sincerely appreciate the community’s enthusiastic participation in the project. We have also recorded all addresses involved in the PW NFT project and will consider providing community incentives in future related activities.

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By extending to Ethereum, Phala can get exposed to the biggest source of the TEE users, the developers who really need TEE. Phala has pioneered the experiment to decentralize TEE supply before. And now we are never so close to get the demand side, completing the crypto economics, and eventually maximize the value of PHA.

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Extending to Eth? that's already done. That proposal is about limiting to Eth.

Questions, expecting answers:

  • Why stop the testnet? a testnet is not "redundant", it's a way to field test code in an environment with limited exposure, before it's deployed in one where the smallest mistake can have enormous consequences. If done right, deploying to mainnet is as simple as git pull
  • What's stopping phala to support Intel’s TDX and Nvidia’s Confidential Compute GPUs on substrate?
  • why push this to january when the issue, if there is one, won't happen before april?

Biggest source of the TEE users? What else is TEE on Eth? How can it not be done on substrate?

Demand? Demand should come from innovation, not the other way around.


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By the way, i notice we're back to plutocracy... just look at the amounts. anyway, no surprise there...

I am right now withdrawing all my PHA from staking, so that i can transfer them to exchanges, while khala is still alive and available. if this passes, i'll just sell everything at the best possible price and move on. Still hoping to find a decent privacy preserving chain (thought Phala was on the right track, obviously i was wrong). XMR still the best when it comes to value transactions, for anything else... what do we have?



crypto economics

maximize the value

What else is there to say? seems that all that matters is right there...



When will the L2 network be launched, as it's not mentioned in the "Next Steps" part?


Yes to consolidating Phala and Khala to Phala
No to moving to Ethereum and developing a whole new L2.


From my PoV move to Ethereum is great choice.
I would suggest extending time, so people who are against or didn't notice will have larger window to migrate funds.

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There are inconsistencies in the motivations exposed, as well as unanswered questions.

Intel will sunset SGX-IAS support in April 2025

Why sunset Khala in january, if the deadline is April?

leaving Khala workers unsupported

Unsupported doesn't mean not working, does it?

the more advanced DCAP-based remote attestation, already operational on Phala

How can something be available on Phala while not going through Khala first? Isn't Khala supposed to be the canary network?

By consolidating on Ethereum, Phala can leverage advanced technologies like Intel TDX and Nvidia GPUs (H100, H200)

What makes it that those can be done on Ethereum, but not on substrate?

These advancements are unavailable on Khala

If it's not available on Khala (see previous point), the same is true for Phala, isn't it? So obviously, if that is a reason to sunset Khala, it is also a reason to sunset Phala. Unless the end game is to ditch substrate entirely.

Maintaining two parachains (Khala and Phala) introduces inefficiencies

As i said before, the purpose of a canary network is to field test code in a network with limited exposure, before deploying on one where the smallest mistake can have disastrous consequences. This is not "redundant" or "inefficient", it's safe.

a scalable, unified ecosystem, while transitioning to modernized tech standards

Ethereum does that better than polkadot? I would have said the opposite, if i'm wrong, please explain to me how.

The demand for TEE infrastructure is growing

This is only a motivation if TEE can't be done on substrate; so far i see no explanation hinting that way.

Phala’s support for SGX-DCAP, TDX, and Nvidia GPUs

That's saying it can be done on Phala? How can it be true of Phala, but not of Khala? How can anything be done on a mainnet, but not it's canary net? That would defeat the whole purpose of a canary net. Is there actually stuff deployed on Phala without going through Khala first? That would be very wrong.

Deploying an L2 on Ethereum strengthens our ties to its ecosystem

So yes, a will to get more exposure on Ethereum. But that's no reason to ditch substrate, we can have both. Sure, it's more work, but it can be done.

opening doors to deeper collaboration

Collaboration with what? With who?

Future tokenomics adjustments

What adjustments? Can people make an informed choice on this proposal without knowing anything about such an important matter? And again: how can it not be done on substrate?

will incentivize Intel TDX and GPU integration


an Ethereum Vault contract will set the foundation for upcoming economic upgrades

Again: What upgrades? Why? Should we make a choice without knowing that? Again: how can it not be done on substrate?

Launching a TEE marketplace on Ethereum will allow the community to lease TDX cloud services

The Ethereum community. Again: how can it not be done on substrate?

In the short term, the Phala team will provide TDX servers and credits to validate ecosystem functionality and community satisfaction

This is not motivation, but implementation.

It seems to me that the only motivation for this is: "The hype is on Ethereum, so let's move there to increase the value of PHA".

In the end, this is the death of Phala on Polkadot/substrate, and a complete move to an Ethereum L2. That is the proposal.

If you want to move to Ethereum, fine, just say it like that, don't try and justify it with (at best) unverified technicalities.


At the very least give people enough time to unstake their tokens and move those to exchanges on the network they know and support. Some exchanges (at the very least one: Kucoin) don't even support PHA deposits on ERC20, only on Khala.

The deadline set on this move is the worst thing about this proposal, you're basically forcing people to accept an Eth L2, by moving their tokens to it before they get a chance to dump them.



I share the sentiment given by @Domovoy and don't really see how it makes sense to ditch all the work that has been done on substrate and move to Ethereum. Especially with the Snowfork bridge, interaction with Ethereum can be achieved by Phala and therefore could already be regarded as L2 of Ethereum.


Khala is required for success of Phala Network in the expect of decentralising the TEE platform and allowing the Khala be the privacy focus as how the Kusama moving forward direction coined by Shawn Tabrizi. Voted NAY
